In a globalized and competitive market where the offer of products and services are increasingly less differentiated, the design of the customer experience has become a determining factor in creating a unique and valuable position for the success of companies. Medium and traditional companies with rigid structures and less flexible processes find it difficult to adapt their value offering to changing customer needs and compete with agile and innovative startups. In consideration of the above, we will explore the concepts of "customer and product or service provider journey maps" as a key tool in managing company innovation. Likewise, the client or end user travels on their own Customer Journey Map (customer journey map - CJM), allowing them to visualize and understand their experience at each stage of their interaction with the product or service, revealing their pain points and opportunities for improvement. improvement by the offering company.
Customer journey map
It is a visual representation of your journey through the different points of contact with the company providing the product or service, from knowledge acquisition to post-sale. The customer journey map (CJM) includes:
Journey Stages:Ā each stage of the process that the customer experiences.
Emotions and thoughts:Ā how the customer feels and thinks at each stage they interact with the company.
Touchpoints:Ā customer interactions with the company (online, offline, etc.).
Moments of truth:Ā key moments that trigger an action on the part of the customer and generate a perception of value in said interaction.
Opportunities for improvement:Ā points where the customer experience can be improved.
Benefits of customer journey map
Improves customer understanding: allows you to understand customer needs, expectations and frustrations.
Identify pain points: spot areas where the customer experience is poor.
Prioritize improvements:Ā focus efforts on areas that generate the greatest impact on the customer experience aligned with key company metrics.
Fosters innovation: inspires the creation of new products, services and experiences.
Increase customer satisfaction:Ā improve customer experience and build customer loyalty.
Aligns the business:Ā drives collaboration across departments to improve the customer experience.
Customer Journey Map Implementation 1. Define the objectives: identify the objectives of the CJM (improve the experience in a specific process, increase customer satisfaction, etc.).
2. Gather information: research and collect data about the customer experience (surveys, interviews, data analysis, etc.).
3. Create the map: visualize the different stages of the customer journey, emotions, touchpoints and moments of truth.
4. Map Analysis: identify pain points, opportunities for improvement, and areas of innovation.
5. Implement Actions: develop and implement an action plan to improve the customer experience with clear metrics aligned to objectives.
6. Measuring Impact:Ā assess the impact of implemented actions on the customer experience, using relevant data and metrics to evaluate performance at each stage of the process and make adjustments as necessary.
Practical tips
Involve the entire team It is essential that all departments of the company participate in the creation and implementation of the CJM.
Train employees in the effective use of the product or service provider's journey map and promote a culture of continuous improvement and organizational learning.
Encourage continuous experimentation and iteration in the design and application of the product or service provider journey map to adapt to changes in the market and customer needs.
Use visualization tools to easily create customer journey maps.
Communicate results by informing employees about the results of the CJM and how it impacts the company.
Be flexible by adapting the CJM creation process to the needs and resources of the company.
Focus action on improving the customer experience through the implementation of concrete, measurable actions aligned with the company's objectives.
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Chesbrough, H. W. (2003). Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology. Harvard Business Review Press.
Fitzsimmons, J. A., & Fitzsimmons, M. J. (2013). Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology. McGraw-Hill Education.
Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. John Wiley & Sons.
Pine, B. J., & Gilmore, J. H. (1998). Welcome to the Experience Economy. Harvard Business Review.
"Customer journey map templates"
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